Increase your strength,
build muscle,
and lose body fat
in 3 months or less.
For busy, results driven professionals, no matter their age or prior experience.
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4.9/5 (from 21 reviews)
10kg weight loss with meal planning!

Alex, Backend Developer
"Olga is not just a trainer, but, I would say, a life coach. Sport and health, both mental and physical are interconnected, and she helps finding doable and not bothering change you can do in your life to improve for better."
STARTING a much healthier life
10kg weight loss with consistent training!
"I've been training with Olga for the last couple of months and it has been a life changing experience. I've lost about 10kg and start a much healthier life with the help and support of Olga."

Rafael Carício

1. How do we get started?
We will discuss on a phone call or in-person what you would like to achieve and we'll agree on the type of support and guidance you need to progress towards your goals.
2. How often should we meet?
Two or three times per week training frequency provides the best fitness results. Weekly check-ins for nutrition provide the best support for consistent weight-loss and dietary lifestyle adjustment progress.
3. Can you help a person who has no prior experience?
Yes, your custom movement and/or nutrition plan will be designed to progress you from where you are to where you want to be. If this is all new to you, please don't worry. The journey is made from one step at a time.

IJburg, Amsterdam


A custom plan created for you that matches your Experience and your Goals.

In-Person Training + Coaching
Strength training using appropriate resistance for your current state. With principle of progressive overload and consistent training, you will become measurably stronger.
- 1:1 personal training
- In-gym 2-3 times per week
- Training program update every 4-6 weeks

Meal Plan + Nutrition Guidance
This is the most important piece for fat loss. Step-by-step removing items that don't serve us, while adding foods that support our goals.
- Customized specifically to you, nutrition guidance (discussion + pdf)
- Customized specifically to you, simple and practical sample meal plan for three days
- 2 hour initial consultation
- Weekly meal plan check-ins
- First 7 days - WhatsApp daily check-ins and support
- Update of the nutrition parameters every 5 kg of weight loss.

WhatsApp + Support
Even if you've done this before you will have questions and you will need support! Share your successes - help yourself change!
- Highest usage in the first 7-10 days (then you'll learn!)
- Access to support to ask questions and share your victories!
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
4.9/5 (from 21 reviews)
If you are reading this, chances are one (or more) of these problems shape your reality.

Your Identity
STRENGTH: You are able to easily lift, push and pull a variety of objects. Moving? No problem! Heavy luggage? No problem. A game of sports? No problem! Heavy child? Lifting and playing with them easily.
HEALTH: You are in good shape and health now, you're minding your habits, and mindfully doing your best to stay vibrant and capable when you're 80, 90 and so on. You're taking care of your health.
LOOK: Lean, youthful and healthy body shape. Your body appears capable and fit.
FAT: Your muscles look toned, supple and defined. Your mid-section is smaller.
CARDIO: You can easily hop, sprint, play sports. You're agile and free. You have lots of energy, endurance and stamina.
FEELING: You feel confident and capable, vibrant and energised. Movement feels fun and doable.
MENTAL: You manage ups and downs in life with resilience. You can focus, have stamina and can maintain productivity and positive outlook on life.

Your Reality
STRENGTH: You are now more careful and weary to lift, push and pull a variety of objects. Moving furniture (or and AH grocery box) may raise concerns about your lower back. You may find reasons not to play a game of sports with your younger colleagues or older children. You noticed you are not as capable as before.
HEALTH: You find yourself being busy with life and habits that do not support your health started to materialise. You are interested in installing habits that support your health now AND in 20, 40 years from now.
LOOK: Your body does not appear fit and capable. You may have gradually lost muscle. You may have gradually gained some fat.
FAT: You have started to see fat around your mid-section, and other areas of your body. Your clothes feel tighter or you have increased a size or two. your body appears softer and has less muscle definition than you would like.
CARDIO: You find yourself out of breath surprisingly soon after a short bout of physical activity (eg. walking up the stairs, playing sports with your children or friends).
FEELING: You feel not as energised as before, you may have pain (eg. low back pain) and get tired sooner.
MENTAL: You notice yourself being less patient, flexible, positive, productive and quick as before. You may know what brain fog is. You may have started to forget the names of objects, despite your young age.

Olga Moroz
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
4.9/5 (from 21 reviews)
Credentials & Certifications
Certified Personal Trainer (NASM)
Functional Aging Specialist (FAI)
Certified Group Fitness Instructor (ACE)
Total Body Tabata HIIT Instructor (ACE)
Nutrition Coach (in-progress, Pn1)
Certified Pregnancy and Postpartum Exercise Instructor (OhBaby Fitness)
Hi, I'm Olga! I'm 40 years old, was not an athlete in my younger years, and everything I can do now in the gym I've taught myself as an adult. I spent 12 years working in a corporate environment. Then, in 2017 I started lifting weights because I struggled with depression and knew daily sports would help tremendously. That happened! Along the way, I have gotten into the best physical shape of my life. I saw my first six-pack at the age of 37. Now I enjoy teaching busy professionals who seek results how to become more athletic and experience the same.
I LOVE strength and physical capability, and believe every single person can become fitter and healthier with a meaningful plan and a consistent practice.
I educate myself through courses and certifications, but also podcasts, books, and practical experience.
Constant growth is a meaningful part of life and I'd love to support you in your fitness and wellness development.
Book your free consultation with me using the form below. I'd love to meet you and find out how I can support you!
Time to take action and get stronger
Personal Training IJburgPersonal Nutrition Plan and Support
1087 Amsterdam, IJburg
Privacy PolicyDisclaimer
I am looking forward to meeting you and exploring how I can support you in your fitness journey!
Olga Moroz Services understands that your privacy is important to you and that you care about your personal data being handled properly. We respect the privacy of everyone who visits the website https://olgamoroz.com (“Our Site”). We only collect and use personal data in ways described here and in a way that is consistent with our obligations and your right to the law.Please read this Privacy Policy carefully and make sure you understand it. Your acceptance of this Privacy Policy is deemed upon your first use of Our Site. If you disagree with and / or do not accept our Privacy Policy, you must immediately stop using Our Site.
1. Information about usOur Site is owned and run by Olga Moroz Services, registered in the Netherlands under Chamber of Commerce number 69212511.
Registered address: Jan Vrijmanstraat 259, 1087 MN, Amsterdam
Owner: Olga Moroz
E-mail address: olga.moroz@gmail.com
Telephone number: + 316-25239544
Postal address: Jan Vrijmanstraat 259, 1087 MN, Amsterdam.
2. What does this Privacy Policy cover?
This Privacy Policy applies to Our Site. Our Site may have links to other websites. Please be aware that we have no control over how your data is used, collected or stored by those websites should you choose to visit them. We recommend that you check the privacy policies of the other websites before providing any data.
3. What are personal data?The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) indicates that personal data (personal data) is all information about an identified or identifiable natural person. This means that information is either directly about someone or can be traced back to this person. Data from deceased persons or organizations is not personal data according to the GDPR.
4. What are my rights?Under the GDPR law you have the following rights, which we always uphold:The right to be informed about our collection and use of your personal data. This Privacy Policy should tell you everything you need to know, but you can always contact us to ask questions according to the details in section 12.
The right to access the personal data we hold about you. In part 11 we tell you how to do this.
The right to rectify your personal data when any of your personal data that we hold is incomplete or inaccurate. If this is the case, please contact us using the details in section 12.
The right to be forgotten i.e. the right to ask us to delete your personal data. If this is the case, please contact us using the details in section 12.
The right to prevent your personal data from being processed.
The right to object to us for using your personal data for a specific purpose or purposes.
The right to transfer personal data. This means that if you have directly provided us with personal data, we will use it with your consent or for the performance of a contract and that data is processed automatically and you can request a copy of your personal data so that in many cases you can reuse the data for another service or company.
Rights related to automatic decision making and profiling. We do not use your data in this way.
For more information on how to use your personal data or exercise your rights as described above, please contact us using the details set out in section 12.For more information about your rights, you can also request this from the Dutch Data Protection Authority.If you have a complaint about our use of your personal data, you have the right to file a complaint with, for example, the Dutch Data Protection Authority.
1. How do we get started?
We will discuss on a phone call or in-person what you would like to achieve and we'll agree on the type of support and guidance you need to progress towards your goals.
2. How often should we meet?
Two or three times per week training frequency provides the best fitness results. Weekly check-ins for nutrition provide the best support for consistent weight-loss and dietary lifestyle adjustment progress.
3. Can you help a person who has no prior experience?
Your custom movement and/or nutrition plan will be designed to progress you from where you are to where you want to be. If this is all new to you, please don't worry. The journey is made from one step at a time.
4. Is the training difficult?
Every training will be difficult about 7-9 out of ten. If your a beginner, ten bodyweight squats can be a seven. If you're more advanced, squatting with barbell as heavy as your bodyweight can be a seven. It depends on each person. Therefore, each training is hard, but not the same person-to-person. It is appropriately hard.
5. Do you provide refunds?
No, refunds are not provided. All prepaid services must be used up in twelve weeks. I believe you can make it for 10 trainings in 12 weeks!
6. Why do you start with a 3 month minimum?
It takes time for our body to adapt and see changes. I do not want you to quit before then!Here's what an average person experiences as they make changes to their habits including eating and movement. In month 1, things start out slow as the body feels out new changes. Month 2, consistent habit building starts to show impact. By the 80 day mark a significant milestone will be achieved with diligent efforts.

Strength training using appropriate resistance for your current state. With principle of progressive overload and consistent training, you will become measurably stronger.
- In-gym 2-3 times per week\
- Training program update every 4-6 weeks- Training program update every 4-6 weeks
- Highest usage in the first 7-10 days (then you'll learn!)
- Access to support to ask questions and share your victories!
Even if you've done this before you will have questions and you will need support! Share your successes - help yourself change!This is the most important piece for fat loss. Step-by-step removing items that don't serve us, while adding foods that support our goals.
- Customized specifically to you nutrition guidance (discussion + pdf)
- Customized specifically to you simple and practical sample meal plan for three days
- 2 hour initial consultation
- Weekly meal plan check-ins
- First 7 days - WhatsApp daily check-ins and support
- Update of the nutrition parameters every 5 kg of weight loss.

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4.9/5 (from 21 reviews)
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4.9/5 (from 21 reviews)
To cater to our personal training clients, we rely on science-based literature, formulas, and calculations to create our unique workout programs and nutritional plans.

You will experience the following milestones in your journey.
Day 1
Week 1
Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Introductions and goal setting
Questions answered and plan review
Learnings & Advanced Reporting
Status checks and plan improvements
Goal delivery summary and next steps
You may find inspiration in the stories from people just like you.
Weight loss? Strength gain? Getting shredded?Pick a plan that’s in line with your goals:

Alexander N.
- Backend Engineer
Body Transformation

Alex has been working out with me once per week for over a year. He became significantly stronger and more capable. However, his body shape and size did not change. One day Alex decided to try a meal plan, and his weight has been steadily declining. Four months is, Alex keeps going and is close to his ideal weight. I'm very proud of Alex!

Why work out for a minimum of 3 months?Richard lost 4 kg in the first 82 todays combining working out in the ghym three times per week, plus changes to his food choices. Richard has become stronger and capable, and feels great in his stronger, leaner body.
Luca C.

Luca lost 4 kg in the first 4 months working out together, three times per week, plus changes in his diet. Luca has become stronger and capable, and feels great in his stronger, leaner body.


Join Olga to increase your strength, build muscle, and lose fat in 3 months or less.IJburg, Amsterdam
Everything you need to feel + look your best.
I helped my clients loose 10 kg...
get stronger. from couch potato to an intermediate powerlifter.
I love training in the gym four times per week, tracking my food, hydration, sleep, walking habits. I enjoy learning from reading, podcasts and courses. I am keenly interested in being strong now when I'm forty, and as capable as possible when I'm 100.
I strated learnin about nutrion at the age of 12. I wanted to become a doctor but I hired my personal trainer at the age of 25. I tried many fun activiteis. I strated lifting seriously at 35. I saw my first six-pack at a the age of 37.